Agrotech startup seeds are being planted in Brazil

By October 2, 2017

As the world’s second largest food exporter following the US, Brazil has begun relying on agrotech startups and innovation to create smarter and efficient farming to keep up with the rising demands.  

With population constantly on the increase in Brazil, ensuring food security has been on the radar for many scientists and developers in the country.

Fertile land for agrotech

Agrotech, or Agtech, is a smart data-driven approach, optimizing the yield and productivity of the entire farming cycle based on imaging technology. To meet Brazil’s large food and farm production, the need and drive for agrotech innovation is undoubtedly clear. South America’s fresh water resources counts for a third of the world, and more than a quarter of high potential farmland is situated on the continent.

Notably, Brazil stands out amongst the region as the world’s largest exporter of sugar, coffee, orange juice, and soybeans. Combined with resources and high exports, an opportunity for agricultural technologies to help expand “growth in a sustainable way has indeed “cropped” up in the country.

Startup seeds planted locally

Although agrotech startups have been emerging throughout the rest of the world, Brazil and other Latin American countries are moving away from using these copy cat models and producing their own ideas. Resources offering support to this new group of local startups include Microsofts accelerator fund. Investing in digital technologies all over Brazil, the fund is targeting $92 million to develop Brazil’s startup ecosystem.

John Hamer, managing partner at Monsanto Growth Ventures who invested in the Microsoft fund, says, “I’ve been impressed with the growth of the Brazilian startup ecosystem over the years and have met some very interesting companies on trips there.”

Say what you will about Monsanto and its reputation, if the company is interested in Brazilian agrotech startups, there is definitely money to be made in the industry.

Brazilian buds already in bloom

So who are these Brazilian smart farming startups that everyone is talking about?

Bovcontrol, who aims to end world hunger, is a company empowering farmers with data collection and analysis tools to improve performance on meat, milk and genetics production. With cattle management services farmers are able be in control of their herds from a far distance.  

The first pest monitoring and control has been created by Strider. Offering technology on mobile devices, the company allows farmers to monitor pests, and collects information needed to take decisions on how to treat them.

Chip Inside, does exactly that, produces software chips for dairy cows that monitor health and reproduction. It also helps detect early diseases, which without this technology, would otherwise go un-diagnosed.

Another developer of agricultural technologies not to be missed is Enalta. The company not only produces agricultural equipment and machinery for producer, but also offers research and development in Brazil’s field of agriculture.

Thanks to this agrotech revolution in Brazil, the Latin American agricultural technology market is expected to reach $541.8 million by 2022. With the help of these startups, 2017 is on track to be a record year for agrotech activity.


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